Sunday, March 25, 2012

Great Conversation!

I feel like I have a lot of great conversations because I have a lot of conversations in general.  I enjoy talking and talking to strangers.  I have had one conversation that stuck out more than others though.  This conversation was with my good friend Chelsea about how I think that nice guys always finish last.  The conversation just flowed and was very natural.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Quote #2

If you wait by the river long enough, your enemies will float on by. - Rob Larson - Confucius

Rob quoted this quote in class on Friday 3/23/12 and I thought that it was worthy of going on to my blog because people were asking him to give them a straight answer and that was his answer. It was pretty funny in my opinion because he just blatantly disregarded their request.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

So I have to pick my ten favorite things to do.... Hmm... well this is going to be pretty tough because I love to do a lot of things!! The list underneath is in no specific order other than what just pops into my head while thinking of what I love to do.

1. Climbing

2. Hanging out with friends

3. Kayaking

4. Biking

5. Watersports

6. Volleyball

7. Camping

8. Softball

9. Spending time with family

10. Anything to do with music

Thursday, March 1, 2012

We Are Young cover by Clinton Cave Music


1. What the video is of

2. Where I found it


4. Share why this video describes me

5. After watching this video I hope you can better see my personality and whatnot!