Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Euripides Iph....

       So everyone knows that photo booth takes pictures in a mirrored image so thats why everything is backwards haha. But anyway I went to the school play "Iph...." I found it pretty interesting even though I didn't know much about the background of the story.  The main characters are all strong actors and the chorus is also entertaining. The set was also very interesting and I could easily see that a lot of work had been put into it.  The only part of the show that I didn't thoroughly enjoy was the background music. Some of the time it just didn't seem fitting what so ever. Other than that it was a great play and I am glad I went.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Assignment About That Stuff...

Read Units 15 &16: “Support, Style, Organization, and Presentation” (pages 326-388).

Define the following terms in your own words. Do not use textbook definitions, but imagine how you would describe these terms to other students.

1. Thesis: Your main point or idea

2. Narratives: A story told by someone

3. Analogies: A way to compare things

4. Testimony: A personal story

5. Presentation aids: Things that help you give a presentation such as power point or poster board

6. Models: Type of presentation aid

7. Motivated Sequence: The way to arrange your speech so your audience likes it

8. Orientation: A way to almost persuade the audience in the direction you are thinking at the beginning of your speech so they can follow your speech better 

9. Closure: To make sure in your conclusion  that your audience knows that your speech is over

Name 3 examples of presentation aids.


Name 6 patterns that are involved with Public Speaking.

What is the difference between a conclusion and closure? Conclusion is an entire part of your speech in which you summarize, motivate, then provide closure. Closure is making sure that your audience knows that your speech is over.

Find an article in a magazine or newspaper and summarize it in 4 sentences below.
1. Article Title: Surfing: A History
2. Summary: Surfing started in Hawaii but when the westerners came disease killed many natives. In the early 1900's surfing again began to flourish.  After the movies "Endless Summer" and "Gidget" surfing became more mainstream. Now surfing is a huge industry now and is still growing.

Based on your own performance, and your observations of others in class, please describe five ways in which you will make a conscious improvement during your final. 
1. Make sure that my speech is not too long
2. Use music in the background
3. Use the space I have up there better
4. Make sure not to let audience get bored
5. Make sure that my conclusion has closure

Quote #1

" It is not my job to remember your name; it is your job to make me never forget it."
            -Rob Larson

       This quote stood out to me more so than others because I have a problem with remembering people's name.  If everyone lived their life by this quote then I think that life would be much more exciting because then people would be doing all sorts of strange, cool, exciting, and odd things to get people to remember our names.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Me, Myself, and I

Who are we? Who are you? Who am I? How do I know I am me? How do I know you are you? In reality I think that we don't actually know who anyone is and that we are just conditioned to think that we do.  I know that I am a being. Or do I just think that I know that? Since day one I have been told that I am a human being. How do I know that you aren't just feeding me lies?  I can't read your thoughts if you even have any at all.  How do I actually know that you are capable of deeper thought and not just a program or something like that?  I think that this is where faith comes into play.  you just have to have faith that we are who we are and that other are too.  We will never be able to know for sure who people are or who you yourself is so the best we can do is to just believe.  Believe in something.  It doesn't have to be what others believe in but believe in something.  By believing in something it gives you something to think about instead of just drifting through life without a purpose.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

3D Printing - Not So Great After All.....

         After watching Lisa Harouni give her speech on 3D printing I have decided I do not like the idea of this technology.  It seems really fun and cool at first but what are the potential dangers of this....? In high school my we had a 3D printer for part of the year to test it out and the program used to create the data that Lisa was talking about was extremely easy to use. Maybe a little too easy. It would have taken me no more than an hour to design a knife and print it and I had only used the program a few times. Now if I could have made a knife, in school with little training mind you, imagine what a trained person could make. Who is to stop a terrorist group from buying a printer and making their own weapons? Whats after pens, lamps, and kidneys? Knives? Guns? Grenades? Bombs? Weapons of mass destruction? Do we want this kind of technology to be on everyone's desk like Lisa suggests? I think not.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Ethos, Pathos, Logos:

-Ethos is the ethical appeal of the speech giver to the audience.  I plan on incorporating this into my speech by just being honest with everyone and very open to show people I am being sincere.

-Pathos is the emotional aspect and being able to get your audience to connect with you emotionally.  I will incorporate this into my speech by playing the music in the background to help people stay focused.

-Logos is the basic act of using simple reasoning. If I see that people are starting to get bored or they aren't laughing at my jokes then I will change it up and go for a new approach.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day of a Lifetime

If I had one day to do whatever I wanted I would take my longboard and skate to a place to go rock climbing and just spend the day in the sun with friends and then later in the night we would start a fire and just eat and camp there for the night.