Sunday, February 12, 2012

Me, Myself, and I

Who are we? Who are you? Who am I? How do I know I am me? How do I know you are you? In reality I think that we don't actually know who anyone is and that we are just conditioned to think that we do.  I know that I am a being. Or do I just think that I know that? Since day one I have been told that I am a human being. How do I know that you aren't just feeding me lies?  I can't read your thoughts if you even have any at all.  How do I actually know that you are capable of deeper thought and not just a program or something like that?  I think that this is where faith comes into play.  you just have to have faith that we are who we are and that other are too.  We will never be able to know for sure who people are or who you yourself is so the best we can do is to just believe.  Believe in something.  It doesn't have to be what others believe in but believe in something.  By believing in something it gives you something to think about instead of just drifting through life without a purpose.

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